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'''NOTE ! Elemental runes only works on +15 ITEMS! / For full item potential recommend to have on armors +MAX HP +4% / Weapons + EDR (Excellent damage rate option)'''
'''NOTE ! Elemental runes only works on +15 ITEMS! / For full item potential recommend to have on armors +MAX HP +4% / Weapons + EDR (Excellent damage rate option)'''
'''NOTE ! Runes have requirements - Rune TUR - 10Grand Resets - Rune NUM - 15Grand Resets - Rune ZA - 20Grand Resets!'''

Revision as of 01:43, 18 June 2021

Elemental wiki.png


There is a 3 type of elemental runes : Fire elemental TUR , Water Elemental NUM , Balance Elemental ZA.

All item with mark Mark.png Can be upgraded with elemental runes.


Fire elemental.png

It allows you to make elemental item to elemental item TUR!

Water elemental.png

It allows you to make elemental item to elemental item TUR + NUM!

Balance Elemental.png

It allows you to make a last stage of elemental item TUR + NUM + ZA!

NOTE! This runes success chance is 50%

Blessed Runes

Fire Blessed.png

Blessed text.png

That rune success chance is 100% to make elemental item to TUR

Water Blessed.png

Water blessed text.png

That rune success chance is 100% to make elemental item to TUR + NUM

NOTE! Blessed rune can be acquired only in cash shop !

How to get

You need to collect 5 shard of elemental. There is a 3type of shards.


TUR FIRE SHARD Collect 5 shard +

Recipe.png Recipe of Rune Elemental =

Fire elemental.png

Fire Elemental Rune

NOTE!You can exchange this materials in forgotten chamber


NUM WATER SHARD Collect 5 shard +

Recipe.png Recipe of Rune Elemental =

Water elemental.png

Water Elemental Rune

NOTE!You can exchange this materials in forgotten chamber


ZA Balance SHARD Collect 5 shard +

Recipe.png Recipe of Rune Elemental =

Balance Elemental.png

Balance Elemental Rune

NOTE!You can exchange this materials in forgotten chamber

Note! more information about Forgotten Chamber is on link : | Forgotten Chamber |


Shard can be acquired in elemental rune invasion. In Swamp of darkness location , you must kill elemental gods to get a chance to earn that shards.


You can buy it from cash shop. (NOTE! Normal runes have 50% success chance!)

More information

Rune shards must place in that way!

First Fire elemental.png +

Second Water elemental.png +

Last rune Balance Elemental.png

NOTE ! Elemental runes only works on +15 ITEMS! / For full item potential recommend to have on armors +MAX HP +4% / Weapons + EDR (Excellent damage rate option) NOTE ! Runes have requirements - Rune TUR - 10Grand Resets - Rune NUM - 15Grand Resets - Rune ZA - 20Grand Resets!