Medusa Invasion

From MU-TEMA Online Wiki
Medusa Invasion



  • Spawn in Swamp of Peace,
  • Spawn time 23:00


  • Three random items from the list:
  • Weapons: Flameberge, Sword Breaker, Rune Bastard Sword, Frost Mace, Absolute Scepter, Dark Stinger, Deadly Staff, Inberial Staff, Guardian Staff, Summon Spirit Stick, Mirace Staff, Spite Staff, Angelic Bow, Devil CrossBow, Magma Spear, Thunder Bolt, Horn Of Steel, Sonic Blade, Asura, Cyclone Sword, Blast Breaker
  • Shield: Crimson Glory, Salamander Shield, Frost Barrier, Guardian Shield, Lazy Wind Shield, Dark Devil Shield, Light Lord Shield, Magic Knight Shield, Ambition Shield